St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学



地中海的海底, walks along the coast line and weekly excursions to nearby natural and architectural hot spots are just a part of daily life for students at Sant’Anna Institute.

The Sorrento 出国留学 Program is an unparalleled study abroad experience because of its unique structure. While abroad, participating students will live just like locals along the Amalfi Coast.


St. 博纳旺蒂尔的学生 living in Sorrento have access to some of Sant'Anna Institute's most beautiful accommodations, 该机构的共享公寓.

Looking down on a street in Sorrento from an apartment window居住空间将在全球网赌十大网站的学生, 提供大尺寸和家具齐全的客厅, 齐全的厨房,包括电器和, 最重要的是, 欣赏美丽的阿马尔菲海岸美景.


  • 舒适的床和床单
  • 壁橱和梳妆台
  • 一张桌子
  • 炉灶和炊具
  • 厨房桌椅
  • Wi-Fi和电视
  • 空调
  • 洗衣机
对于我们在国外的学生来说,宿舍是一个过去的概念. We want our global citizens to feel the classic Sorrento lifestyle, while staying in accommodations reminiscent of full-time young professionals in the area.


Students studying abroad in Sorrento have access to quality Italian dining regularly, with high-end welcome and exit dinners included in the program cost,

索伦托一家露天花园餐厅的食客Italy is often noted as having some of the best food in the world. 但, 不要被愚弄, 这个神奇的国家提供的不仅仅是意大利面, 披萨和柠檬酒——一种传统, 沿海岸供应的发酵柠檬饮料.

您将享用传统的意大利菜肴和美酒. 烛光和个人, 这趟变革之旅中的每一次用餐体验, 从最初的聚会到我们索伦托的送别, 将呼吸奢华, 友谊和发人深省的谈话.

Market shopping is very much ingrained in the local culture, with Sorrento locals frequently buying their weekly groceries at small, 高质量的市场, 比如当地火车站旁边的Decò Market, 康纳德市场和卡萨尔在城市的历史中心.

Congratulating yourself on a day well-spent exploring the coast? Treat yourself to gelato at Bougainvillea like a true local. Hey, they offer a student discount, so the calories are that much easier to rationalize. 

Maybe your sweet 太th isn’t beckoning, but you’re in the mood for something savory. Stop by the insanely popular and to-die-for pizzerias of Sorrento, 比如披萨店, 吉诺或里昂·罗索(意大利语为“红狮”).

有风景的晚餐? Stop by De Emilia for a sea-side indulgence of traditional, Italian gnocchi or a decadent seafood platter that’ll leave you feeling full, 但满意.



索伦托的社交中心, 广场《, 位于圣安娜学院附近, 这里有一些最好的白天和夜间活动吗.

两张风景秀丽的索伦托海岸线照片Go for a walk through the square and take in the sights along the way.

觉得需要挥霍一下? 沿着意大利大道走, 就在主广场旁边, and shop for everything from local artisanal goods to name-brand, 名牌服装. There’s something for everyone: authentic Italian leather to take home for mom or a linen look for your upcoming excursion to the Isle of Capri.

In need of some peace and reflection, or maybe you’re missing St. 博纳旺蒂尔? Head to Cloiser of San Francesco, a local monastery dedicated to St. Francis, which is lined with gorgeous pillars and lush greenery. It won’t be hard to find a Sorrentine friar, willing to give a blessing.

亲近大自然,前往玛丽娜格兰德, which has served as Sorrento’s connection to the sea for almost 2,000年. Fill your free time with beach access via the Bagni di Sant’Anna pier and traditional dining along the coast.

This sheltered area affords escape from downtown life for those in need of some rest and relaxation from the bustling daily life in Sorrento — except for one week each summer surrounding July 26, 圣安娜的盛宴. 整个滨海格兰德地区变成了一个游乐场, 每天都有各种活动,晚上还会放烟花, as locals celebrate one of the most anticipated holidays of the year.

6件要做的事 & 在索伦托


Sorrento’s prime location on the Amalfi Coast allows students to visit some of Italy’s most beautiful destinations.

学生游览庞贝古城放假一天吗? 乘船游览卡普里岛的标志性岛屿, situated within crystal clear waters that have become the backdrop to some of the world’s most iconic fashion campaigns. It’s the perfect way to spend the day soaking up the Mediterranean sun with your newfound best friends — diving into the Blue Grotto and Queen’s Bath.

积极的感觉? Head over to Mount Vesuvius, right outside of 庞贝古城 and dating back to the 2nd millennium B.C.去爬火山. 别担心,它不活跃,但它确实很漂亮.

然后是那不勒斯——任何美食家的理想之旅. This historic city’s world-famous pizza is just the starting point for your immersion into all things Italian. While you spend your day walking the city’s cobblestone streets and sightseeing at the Palace of Naples, don’t forget to take in the countless pastel storefronts that line every street.

For students looking to experience Italian history and the arts while abroad, 那不勒斯有很多博物馆可供游览, 太, such as the National Archeological Museum and Capodimonte Museum.

Nearby Positano is accessible by ferry for only 30 euros round trip. 这个标志性的, coastal town along the Amalfi Coast draws on notable celebrities every summer, 因为这里可以看到地中海的美景, 热闹的夜生活和海滩社区. 


If you are fortunate enough to live and study in Sorrento next summer, the university and the program director will expect you to conduct yourself as a responsible adult and will treat you accordingly.

他们不会照顾你. 他们不会监视你. 除非你给他们一个不这么想的理由, they will consider you to be ladies and gentlemen fully capable of making your own decisions and taking care of yourself.

意大利的法定饮酒年龄是18岁. Do NOT enroll in the Sorrento program if it is your plan to go to Italy to drink. Anyone who abuses alcohol during the program may be expelled on the spot and sent back to the States at their own expense. 这是不容商量的.

The same assumption of responsibility will apply to your academic work. You will be expected to handle much of your learning on your own.

简而言之, living in Italy and participating in the Summer Study in Sorrento program is for adults only. 


Students at Sant’Anna Institute are entitled to local discounts at Sorrento-based restaurants, 市场, 酒吧和酒馆, 零售商, 博物馆和剧院.